You haven't said what the wider habitat of this location is like. I ask because you give no clue to where it is situated, just "in the...
I like it too but crops in UK even under glass will be disappointing. They need hot weather, think Greece in the summer. It is very widely grown...
The value of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is that it engages people with some of the wildlife in their gardens and for those that don’t have...
It’s a big problem for sure. I no longer grow vegetables so no longer such a problem for me personally. Now I grow only slug tolerant plants as...
I do it every year and have done so for many years. All the info I am asked for is relevant, habitat details such as size of garden, tree size,...
I grew Tumbling Tom Yellow last year and thought it had a slightly better flavour than the reds.
Cool greenhouse. I really wanted one of those in my young days. They were quite fashionable in a hippyish sort of way. Couldn’t afford one so made...
:spinning:Happy Birthday from me too. I always enjoy your posts.:spinning:
Had to log in this morning after all being ok yesterday. Thanks to the mods for their time and efforts.
No problems for me that I know of, apart from shutdown for maintenance yesterday.
I grow mint in an old sink on the NW side of a wall and it does well and is contained. Also water mint beside the pond.
Also I would suggest you grow mint separately as it likes damp shady conditions and most other herbs like it dry, sunny and hot.
Seems to me that the liner is the problem . I agree with the above and after removing the liner start again.
Saw a pair of Treecreepers yesterday. still have to dig out the weeds.:rasp:
I grew vegetables for about 30 years but had to give up due to arthritis and lower back pain. I eventually came to using similar methods,...
I’d go for a wooden shed too; they can breathe, even if there are leaks.
Who are the current moderators?
If this is true, it is indeed serious. Probably criminal too.
I wonder why this thread has been sidelined. It no longer appears under “off topic discussion “. I have had to do a search to find it. @Fat...
Separate names with a comma.