is the comparison site I use. Seems to be pretty good for insurance quotes.
Reduce your exposure by limiting what you post, particularly personal stuff. There is nothing to stop you giving a false birthdate. In any case...
Missed this @CraigET as I’ve been away. I can’t help with the pump. Our pond, which is just over a year old, went green to begin with but by...
I like the herb garden layout in your first post and agree with @Clare G about the grass being fiddley to mow and maintain. Herbs have a habit or...
I agree, the late ones have little flavour.I cleared out my greenhouse tomatoes a few weeks ago. The greenhouse is now full of citrus and other...
You’ve said some of the trees have been topped and some removed. The topped ones will regrow. My experience of mature trees having been topped is...
I completely agree with that statement. Most of my gardening life has been on heavy wet Wealden clay. Sussex has a relatively mild climate but the...
You have perfectly described why not to plant bamboo!Sorry I can’t help. Hopefully your post will deter others from planting bamboo.
I would not risk it without following building regs which can be looked up. The chimneys will get very hot and will need to be of masonry...
How old is the tree? I have a youngish silver birch, about 10-15 years old. It was too top heavy and I wanted it bushier. Two years ago we did...
Me neither......might as well have a child. Lots of other reasons to get outside.
Nice posts by recent posters but just pointing out that this thread is more than three years old and the OP is no longer active on G C. Hope she’s ok.
@wiseowl is right, nettles.
I’ve done similar @mazambo but on a smaller scale. I’ve made rectangular weldmesh removal cages which hang over the individual feeders. They seem...
It’s not clematis wilt. Clematis’ naturally die back this time of year. You’ll need to find out the variety to know the best pruning regime. When...
That’s going to be amazing. :dbgrtmb: The liner underlay is really thick. I look forward to seeing the planting.
Glad you are making a good recovery.Flu jab booked for me and Mr Redwing.
Most of the finches have moved on but we've now got migrating Meadow Pipits dropping in for drinks and baths.:)On the downside, I've been...
Very light frost the past three mornings here in rural Sussex, followed by warm sunny days.Cleared out my greenhouse tomatoes yesterday, ready...
If we all believed that @WeeTam , nothing would ever change. We all need to do our bit, every single one of us.At the very least, try.
Separate names with a comma.