The sunny start has clouded over but not more than a gentle breeze at the moment. The calm before the storm I reckon, Jenny namaste
The crab apple tree in the Communal garden is looking delightful and obviously hasn't suffered with near drought conditions this Summer Jenny...
Sunny all day and the lounge feels warm enough and comfy without the need to wrap up or put the fire on.... a super bonus, Jenny namaste
A sunny start and doesn't feel very cold . Hoping the sun brings free heat into the house again, a sunny day makes all the difference, Jenny
We are forecast down to 4c tonight , Jenny namaste
Today is a sunny day - wonderful news - the dining room end through to the lounge faces SSW so, as the sun is now lower in the sky, sunlight is...
Thank you Woo
ANYONE seen the Ftse this morning? Ftse 250 down to £16840 , :sofa: Jenny namaste
A clear blue sky and a gentle NW breeze.... chilly, Jenny namaste
A mix of sunshine then a shower. On the breezy side -15c... a westerly direction and the barometer is dropping. Feels really cold this evening and...
Mostly cloudy and feels cold today. Patio is dry so no rain about so far... Jenny namaste
That made I larf John.... Jenny namaste
When I go over to Jempson's , our local modest sized Supermarket, I always head for the reduced Bay. I am happy to have yesterday's milk at half...
Rain's stopped, breezy and The sun is peeping...:dancy: Jenny namaste
Beam me up Scotty.... Jenny namaste Ref. Star trek
Started raining at 4pm...only light rain
From the Tax man....
I've just ordered some Slazenger fleece lined jogging bottoms.... Amazon £19.99... I know.... this should be on the other thread.... Jenny
Cold yesterday evening...put the fire on to warm up. Still gently raining when I went to bed. Dry and breezy this morning, Jenny namaste
Still raining...- hasn't stopped at all today. Not torrential and no wind. 15c max, Jenny namaste
Separate names with a comma.