Freddy I've grown this variety for 2 years now and their yield is incredible. Fantastic flavour, long pods and when they say not completely...
Just like the side shoots you remove from toms? If so then all is not lost as i actually have several of those. You i only thought they sprouted...
Guys Quick question, when my Purple sprouting comes into sprout shall we say whereabouts will the flower heads form it just my plants are...
Best method I've seen is like you say one grow bag is designed for 3 plants, so you need 3 plants, 2 grow bags, 3 10" pots No bottoms, 3 3 to 4"...
I decided to grow 7 varieties last year all in bags, I had a fairly good go of it as well. as i only have a small plot (bottom of the garden) bags...
Jasper Carrott said it right all you need is revolving stole, flash light and shotgun. Go out at night with mr flashlight when mr moley appears...
Thanks for the hints guys that will be going in at the weekend. The stalk was already there when it was delivered.
Guys i've got 3 crown of Timperley Early to plant, my questions are as follows planting in jan ok or not? also one of the crown has a small 6in...
I did the compost trick this and got some really straight and long parsnips if i recall correctly my biggest one was approx 3.5in at the crown and...
Hi guys,Got itchy fingers again so i have decided to come up with next year veg already. Just need some advice on varieties to grow. So here...
Guys need help looking for a variety that grows well in shade and sun as the spot i've got has only got the sun for just over half the day. Any...
My beetroot never lasts that long in our house. I just boil, cool, peel then pour over 1 normal sized malt vinegar. and leave the best bit is the...
Hi guys I've decided that its time to upscale my potato growing as i haven't got the ground space i've opted for a different approach. Trying to...
That cool just thought that with the mild weather they may be early and as for pigeon we have resident doves using the garden so yes they have got...
That garden gives inspiration that i can do it well. I think the first thing i'm going to purchase is a good wall planner and set out tasks for...
So probably not a good thing to grow at home then
Parsnips [IMG]Potatoes Blue Belle If i remember correctly [IMG]Maxine [IMG]Charlotte [IMG]
Well wot a year i've had and sadly my poor veggie patch suffered. You see around July I seperated from my on off girlfriend and it hit me pretty...
Hi guys Need help identifing this plant/weed found it next to the railway line at Rye station and wondered what it was. [IMG]Many thanks
Watching gardeners world tonight just discovered that garlic spray works doesn't kill the little slimey blighters but it irrates them and also...
Separate names with a comma.