Hi Redwing,I didn't use a liner because my pond is too big (cost!) so I built it out of concrete with glass fibres and waterproofer mixed into...
Sedum Oreganum (from Oregon in America, I think). Prefers it a little dampish more than dry. Rapid spreader but not a nuisance. Pull off a piece,...
The nurseryman didn't know ! ! ! ! but I think it's a form of Gypsophila but which particular one I can't say. It flowers almost non-stop and I...
OK, OK, I'll post some more up in Alpines. Piccies of My problem is that I'm so busy that I don't seem to have time for everything (but I know...
When I put all my native plants into the pond, I went around all the local farmers and asked if I could have some of theirs. The invariable answer...
Is May Snow this one?Sisyrinchium idahoense 'Album'
Nope but I'll look out for "May Snow" when I call into the Alpine Centre and Slack Top in September. How'd you find Edrom's stock? Mail order, I...
1. Alpine Nurseries - Alpine Nurseries and Suppliers - Alpine Garden Society
Verdun, now that Chris Pattison has retired, I find the best alpine plant nursery is The Alpine Centre in Calver, Derbyshire. He's not on e-mail,...
Verdun said: ↑ What varieties do you grow kindredspirit? :)Oh, my goodness, Verdun. Loads. Ones I shouldn't, I know, but I've nowhere else for...
I grow all my alpines out side, even the delicate ones (because I haven't got a greenhouse or alpine house).Gradually year on year whenever I...
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