Just been wet here.Visiting the parents in Norfolk for the next few days, was going to volunteer some help in the garden, be just typical for...
got the usual retail/customer service/management experience. Also some basic Horticultural qualifications (C&G tree n shrubs, veg growing, and...
hehehe, well, now you understand my desperation for a new job ;)
How did you guess?
Hi both, thanks for the sites. Tried both, and bloominggoodjobs too, think i've applied to every one advertised, not that I'm desperate or anything :)
without actually seeing the area it's hard to say, but do you sell ponds?We had an area that was ignored (different situation, it just wasn't...
They're tuberous begonias, and they can flower almost non stop throughout winter in a lit greenhouse.Outside I believe they'll flower up...
First of all, not sure this is in the right area, so if it's not I apologise.Basically, I want help. I'm currently working as a garden centre...
Me? Last day of college before next week's exam.
I'm sure I know her!!!Apologies, couldn't resist ;) Seriously though, lovely looking, but aren't they quite fast growing? What are they like...
I adore Yew hedges, they take ages but are definitely worth the wait.For something different, how about Lavender "Hidcote"? grows to 2',...
we sell these, and out of 30 odd plants that we've had this year, I've only seen one in flower. This is in a greenhouse too (unheated)Mind...
I managed to acquire a load of seeds last year, some out of date, some not. I've amongst this a pack of Unwins Dahlia Sangria, and Unwins Dahlia...
i could be way off here, but could it be a variety of Vitis? The leaf just looks familiar
Ok, not sure if anybody can suggest anything here, but it's worth a try.There's a large greenhouse where I work, used just for plant display...
Darn, should I use furniture polish instead? :D
I've found the Phalaeonopsis grows best in the bathroom, as it likes diffused light, and humidity. They're not that expensive these days, and some...
more on Himalayan knotweedI think this is definitely it. Rhizome, and invasive. Also i'm sure i read elsewhere that it has a scent.
could it be Himalayan knotweed (Persicaria wallichii)?
If anybody's after a cheaper option (like myself) then check out your local catalogue discount store. Just got a lexmark P915 printer, and free...
Separate names with a comma.