Thank you fellow gardeners. It's amazing what difference pushing the lawn mower around for an hour, can make. Plus, the lawn has less than 50%...
Dancing. Doing the [ATTACH]
Ah, spring bulbs. I must start to make a list of what we want - and I am keen on crocuses, allium, snakes head fritillary (wife's choice) and so...
We shouldn't be too hard to find. We are the first house on the even side of the road (or the last, depending on which direction you come from)....
I didn't expect you to have them. Still, there was hope!!
Meanwhile, we're waiting for a parcel that SHOULD have been delivered. Any chance you have a package that looks like cushion covers, @Jiffy ?
@lizzie27 , the garden certainly is well stocked - the previous owner was hugely keen on making the garden HER oasis. We are reaping the benefits....
The leaves ARE a bit like gladioli @Punkdoc Thank you. [ATTACH]Sorry, I'm rather shaky today.
I have another request. Another plant that neither myself or wife are able to identify. Not even my App!! It just tells me its from the family of...
In our new garden, I have no idea what our roses are - except for the one we've put in.Here's two I photographed yesterday. [ATTACH][ATTACH]...
Yesterday I mowed the lawn, and broke up an old concrete garden ornament with a sledgehammer. I'm thinking of using the bits to create a blockery!...
Thank you @Dovefromabove With two of you in agreement about the clematis and lavatera, I have to assume you are probably correct. Both are poking...
Thank you @Busy-Lizzie I'd imagine it's a bit late for a clematis, and it's almost like a brach - just a couple of inches across. The second...
I have a request. I was wandering down the garden today, and came across two flowers that I couldn't identify. Flowers on shrubs, that I wasn't...
Call it "Game, Set and ....."
Separate names with a comma.