My total fruit harvest today - one peach and one blueberry!! [ATTACH]
Thank you, @Thevictorian I'm being more drawn to the "cut down entirely, and replace" option. Cheaper in the long run, easier to maintain. My...
It's been muggy all day so far. The expected rain and thunderstorms didn't materialise. We need the rain to fill the water butts. There again, I...
Thank you @JennyJB The diagonal path, which leads from the front door to the pedestrian gate (which I don't use often - only to take the rubbish...
I never wear flipflops.
And another view. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH]That has left me confused - more than usual.
I should have added a photo. Taken a few minutes ago. [ATTACH]
Thank you for your advice.My wife prefers the "cut by half" option. It is too large to be so close to the house, in my opinion. Its trunk is...
We have a flowering cherry tree in the front garden, which is about 30ft high, but only 15ft from the front of our bungalow.Does anyone know...
Autumn Hawkbit, found on my drive. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Weeding (isn't there always so much to do!) - and in the process, found what I think is the only nettle in the garden. Unfortunately, I wasn't...
A stray Herb Robert. I'd thought their season was passed. Obviously, not quite! [ATTACH]
I've no idea. We inherited it. Half the tree is dead, so we may well remove it anyway. We'll probably get no more than a dozen, and a different...
I'm happy because I ate the first peach from the tree in our new garden. It was beautifully soft, ripe and sweet. We may pick some of the others....
Finished sawing up the remainder of the three trees I took down. Now to find a taker.
This one arrived on my mobile phone!![ATTACH]
Thank you. It may be common, but I don't recall seeing it before. Mind you, that's no indication that I've never actually seen it, given my memory...
I think it's great that BBC1 has the Olympics on all day. If I want an afternoon nap, I can just switch it on. But, if it's athletics or tennis,...
Our main one is full. The extra one I suspect is empty by now, given that it is out of sight from the house.
Separate names with a comma.