Over the last 10 years since we moved into our house I have planted shrubs all the way up the left hand side of my garden (to create a "natural"...
Thanks for all your info. I think I'll choose something else as Osteospermum doesn't seem to be the right choice. Cheers
Hi all - can anyone tell me if they have successfully grown garden African Daisies as a houseplant. If it's possible have you any tips? I;ve got...
It was given to me ages ago. I think I've got nothing to lose by cutting it right back as otherwise I'll be throwing it out as it's too leggy....
I've had this on my windowsill for a year and have lost the ID tag that went with it so I have no idea what is is or how to look after it. All I...
Many thanks .........
Can anyone tell me what this shrub is and also when can I take cuttings from it. Thanks.[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Something weird seems to be happening in my veg patch. I have just taken off a tarpaulin that I use to stop...
Wait for first one to fall to the ground ?????
I'm new to Bonsai so need some advice. I have just received seeds of Chinese Juniper and also pink Wisteria which I want to try bonsai-ing....
Thank you one and all. I will leave them on tree until ready which I reckon is late October for Braeburns. It might be that all the "ripening...
Sorry if this sounds like a daft question but is it possible to do anything that will make my apples sweeter?? I have a three year old Braeburn...
Thanks everyone for your advice. Barry
If I keep nipping of the tops will it get thicker and bushier? Apparently it can get a bit tall and scraggly.
thank you Noisette and Anthony. it seems like you are absolutely correct. i looked it up and got a bitw worried because it is apparently classed...
I grew this from a cutting but cannot remember what it was. Someone said it might be some kind of pink Honeysuckle. As you can see I am trying to...
Maybe I should lift it and put it in a container which I then plant in the soil?? Does restricting the roots like that help it any better??
I have a four year old Japanese Rhododendron Azalea which, since I planted it, has grudgingly given a few little blooms around March/April. This...
I have a four year old Japanese Azalea which, since I planted it, has grudgingly given a few little blooms around March/April. This year,...
Yes, that's the one !!! Thanks very much
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