Good morning all :coffee1: I hope everyone’s had a restful night. It’s a lovely morning here in Norfolk… blue sky and pink fluffy clouds … so far...
In Norfolk we have 8C and blue sky with pink fluffy clouds … bug the app says we’ll have a wet morning. starting in about half an hour …
On a route I travel fairly frequently I often see a buzzard on his regular perch of an old stag-headed oak by a stubble field … and then one day...
Don’t think buzzards call when they’re hunting do they? ‘Ours’ call when wheeling high in the sky usually in some sort of conversation with a...
Glad you’ve got a reliable source of good hay @Anna42 … it’s at a premium this time of year … especially after a poor summer like last year....
So many recipes in tv etc nowadays are Mediterranean, Middle Eastern or Asian in origin and the veg involved, tomatoes. aubergines, courgettes etc...
The thing with a ‘dry brine’ or rub is that the salts draw liquid out of the meat which then turns the salt into liquid … consequently it becomes...
Well the day has brightened up … blue sky and white fluffies … and a drying breeze so washing is on the line.A proper Shepherd’s Pie has been...
Well it’s brighter here now and we have a good drying breeze … washing is on the line …
My pleasure @Fran IOM …, I’m usually not that great on shrubs, but that’s one of my favourites. :)
Mixed veg soup whizzed in the liquidiser. Child will never know.Shepherds/Cottage pie with a buttery mashed potato and swede topping.Clapshot...
That’s Prunus Kojo no MaiPrunus incisa Kojo-no-mai | Hillier Garden CentresA choice shrub … I love them.
A home-made cottage pie can be the food of the gods. :blue thumb:
Norfolk started off 7C and bright, a lovely start to April, but that’s not lasted. Now it’s 9C and grey and although the forecast doesn’t mention...
Good news @Punkdoc … I’d keep some blocks ready and put them out in the autumn in case their friends and relations start looking for cosy quarters.
@Coccinella if you’ve not seen it, and if you’re able to watch on Iplayer or whatever I recommend Gareth Malone’s three BBC2 programmes taking a...
Good morning all :coffee1: How’s the invading rodent problem @Punkdoc? Here in Norfolk at least we started with a bright morning to welcome...
Sorry to hear about all that rain @Busy-Lizzie … I expect it’ll get drier soon … just a few April showers to come :fingers crossed:Special hugs...
Harrumph! 9C and dripping here in Norfolk … another warm sunny day like yesterday would’ve been so much nicer
I think it’s a good thing we were both supervising the boat races yesterday @Coccinella … they took quite a bit of supervision didn’t they!...
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