Spotted my first tomato today Ailsa Craig
Very nice I check mine daily but only flowers so far you must have had some good weather.
[img] perhaps its better like this its a clickable thumb nail
[img] both wild and wonderful Glenshee with a little snow
Unfortunatly it is very difficult to see the leaves in these pictures. Try removing a leaf and taking a close up picture. I took these resting...
I grew an Aubergine last year in my uheated gh it flowered many times, lovely colour they were too, but never fruited as some horrible fungus...
I have removed most of the bad leaf from the plant, they did curl up and die. The plant had never been outside ( it is now ) and there is no rot...
[img] [img] [img] Thats better
Any I dea what this could be on the leaf of one of my tomatoes, at present its only on one and I have removed it from the rest. This seems to be...
I germinated around the end of January then put them under a grow light till spring equinox, since then they have been in a unheated greenhouse....
[img] [img] [img] Sorry forgot the pictures
Thank you for the good illustration I think I see what I should be doing here are some pictures a before and after shot hopefully I am on the...
My tomatoes seem to be doing well this year and they have just started to flower. However they are pretty srange lookig plants I am wondering if...
Mine have also been in an unheated greenhouse for a month or so and today saw my first flower on my tomatoes. Mt Aubergines are stiil too small...
First flowers on my tomatoes today but cannot find my tripod so an in focus picture is not possible.
I tried grow bags last year and their only major draw back was moving the plants around it was also a problem to remove one plant from a bag with...
[img] [img] Sorry about the delay its seems sometimes that my teenage son spends days on end glued to this computer despite having a very...
[img] Nice to be apreciated and just to rub salt in your wounds here is a pic of my greenhouse on the 2 of March, a bit grim. the secret to this...
[img] [img] At last something I can feel good about, here are some of my tomatoes pics taken at 06.30 today well I couldnt sleep. My plants are...
[img] Here is my entry dont ask where I took the picture.
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