I used to grow these for summer sales at my nursery back in the '70s. The modern equivalent is that garden centre innovation - 'Patio plant'....
I drive past Plantworld every day and currently there's a double 'hedge' of Echiums in full flower along Ray Brown's roadside boundary. There are...
Be very careful Andy. The 'pot' Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) is a tender, evergreen shrub with glossy leaves and large (4" or more) flowers....
Yep it's certainly reassuring to see big fat buds at each leaf axil, plus sturdy shoots starting to emerge from the roots. I'm just a bit worried...
Last July under the topic of 'Trout Begonia', I posted about Begonia luxurians that I had planted in a shady border. Due to protective overhanging...
Waco, you've got the right idea re your Curcuma. The tubers support the rhizome which should be planted just below soil surface. Curcumas are...
How extraordinary! I was reminiscing about trips to Bodnant only Thursday last. I mentioned that my favourite view in any country house garden...
That's a seedling Berberis darwinii Fran. Eventually it will develop into a large shrub and be smothered in flowers every spring. Flower colour...
A few years ago Homebase were knocking out very ragged and somewhat overwatered plants of this very cheaply in early summer. I bought 3 for a...
Davidia involucrata in indeed an exceptionally beautiful tree with very handsome leaves that emit a faint, sweet fragrance as they expand in...
The pine is Picea orientalis 'Aurea'. It is one of a very few conifers that I really like. While it remains fairly small, it is a wonderfully...
In view of your location, I would definitely treat them as a patio-plants; placing them outside only when night temperatures remain above 12C....
It's great to have the fragrance of Jasminum polyanthum wafting on the air again - good to see yours is out too LoL. Do you get the one massive...
Viable seeds of toothwort are very difficult to track down and I can't remember them ever being offered by a commercial seedsman. It is a...
I can't remember whether I've mentioned this before and it's primarily aimed at Pete for him to try if he succeeds with Schinus in his garden....
The Californians think it is a problem too and I understand it is starting to become quite widespread in Australia, although the main concern...
Ah well, in the US (or at least the warmer states) it seems to be dammed for being a 'messy' tree, that self-seeds far too easily. Apparently it...
Glad you're giving it a go Pete. They germinate easily if lightly covered and kept at around 20C. Expect growth up to 1m. in the first year -...
Duh, I'd completely forgotten about Koba Koba - having a bad memory day [img] I'm sure if you ask them for a good blue form of Acnistus,...
The plant Pete mentions is Iochroma australis formerly Acnistus australe. It is probably better grown from seed, which may be available via...
Separate names with a comma.