Yes sorry, if I'd read your post more thoroughly, I'd have realised it didn't require any further input from me on that. However, I did want to...
I had a look LOL, but it seems to be a culinary variety and I'm not at all well-up on those (actually, I've never been an enthusiastic...
On the basis of probability as well as the timing, general appearance of the buds and habit of the tree, it's a fair bet it is Prunus 'Kanzan'....
Thanks for the offer Blackthorn, it is indeed very kind of you. However, I doubt if it would fit easily into the planting here since I go for the...
Steady on folks [img]Schinus molle (Peruvian Mastic/Peruvian Pepper Tree and S. terebithifolius (Brazilian Mastic/Brazilian Pepper Tree) are...
When I grew it, it was called Dorycnium hirsutum. That was up in the (very frosty) Midlands where it survived temperatures regularly falling to...
Judging by the generally compact growth, I would suggest it is the cultivar 'Banamarama', which has been doing the rounds in garden centres and...
I didn't spot this until today. It is the yellow flowered form of Bulbine frutescens - a native of S. Africa where it forms broad mats of...
I'm not normally a geat admirer of pink flowers, but have to admit that many of the pink Brugs are really quite stunning. I slowly got rid of...
Ah those were the days - I remember being shown around by Jock Davidson many moons ago. It was at the 'launch' of a new, very compact Poinsettia....
Billbergia pyramidalis tends to be one of the more tender species so the variegated form may not cope well out of doors in the UK. However, if...
Glad to see those pieces are doing well LofL (got your e-mail BTW). Nutans flowers in early summer here most years, but thanks to an exceptional...
Lovely Paph. Rich - looks to be a primary hybrid with P. insigne as the other parent. I'm pretty sure it is the very early cross P. x leeanum,...
Windy, not sure how exposed you are in Cornwall, but in my garden (Torquay), 'Tara' and various other Hedychiums tend to stay evergreen. There...
Having spent some years experimenting with so-called 'flowering bananas' (those with especially showy and colourful bracts), Musa velutina is...
It does happen with the oldest leaves at this time of year Windy. 'Amethyst' (the proper name for 'Lavender Lady') is pretty vigorous and when...
Pete, it seems as though the many forms of the alata x coerulea cross now fall under P. x belotii. I've got a very fine, well coloured form that...
I live just a few hundred yards up from the beach and try to go and collect a few bin liners-ful at this time of year. It's mainly bladder-wrack...
No problems at all. It grows as well in a large container as it does in the ground since the roots are not too extensive. Make sure there's...
It remains evergreen here and should be with you if it is grown in light shade. Trevenna Cross has listed this together with a hybrid as a garden...
Separate names with a comma.