This is one of my favourite ferns: easily grown, readily propagated and when large, extremely impressive. It can tolerate light, occasional...
Apart from some pretty gusty breezes and a few showers, not a bad start to the month. This is a standard trained Abutilon 'Souvenir de Bonne' I...
Fran, that Strobilanthes dyerianus is a fabulous plant. I grew it years ago and started with a small rooted cutting. In no time at all, I had...
I don't know [img]
Yes very much so, but you'll be glad to hear that it is as unfussy about moderately cool conditions as annual Ipomoeas are finnicky. I grew it...
But winter doesn't always have to be bad - I took this in January down by the harbour ...[img]...and from the other side in early June, a...
HB your Citrus will drop any fruit that they can't cope with, so thinning is rarely necessary. Generally the problem is to persuade them to hold...
Ah, if you're travelling through from Plymouth, up the A38 on your way to parts further east, you might call in at Hill House Nurseries just 10...
Very right about patience Pete, although many Hedychiums are not too slow to show what they're about. I've been 'playing' with them for a while...
No apologies please - Bauhina has a limited life and the vagaries of Ginkgo's classifaction are far more interesting. I used to be an avid...
Ginkgo usually gets lumped together with conifers by gardening writers. Horticultural convenience supercedes botanical correctness for the sake of...
Yes, Hedychium gardnerianum - the ginger Pete was referring to immediately before.
Yes, there are still more spikes to come on my gardnerianums even though they started well over a month ago. I spent a few minutes transferring...
A chappy I know in Washington state reckoned that once it gets going it is vigorous and free flowering. Mine has grown over 10 feet this year so...
Ahem, I've been prompted to look at the ID of this again. I received it as flavescens and the individual flowers appear to correspond with it, so...
Yes it is Y. aloifolia in all of its glory. Fantastic plant, but treacherous if you allow it to stab you. They call it 'Spanish Bayonette' -...
I raised this 'Orchid vine' (Bauhinia yunnanensis) from seed some years ago and this is the first time it has done anything more than open a...
Ah, the bane of my life that plant [img] In fact the entire genus (Curcuma) frustrates me. Quite right, it is a member of the ginger family...
Nice one, well done Steve. It is doing the rounds under the name of Furcraea beddinghausii (aka longaeva), but I'm informed that species doesn't...
Good find Pete (Kleim's Hardy). It's been doing the rounds in the US for many years and is remarkably hardy. I understand that it reacts to...
Separate names with a comma.