Hello @ShealI would love to Mow your Lawns, you are just too far away, sorry :)Do you happen to know of the Best Makes of Cordless Mowers and...
Hello @ShealI have some Respite from Mowing the Lawns for a few weeks whilst the new Lawns establish :)I also need a new Lawn Mower, I have a...
Hello @LoofahThanks for the Reply.It is currently 30 Degrees here, unbearable, for the Plants, and, Me :wallbanging:I have put the Pot at...
Hello @Purple StreaksI hope it is not bigger, it was hard enough to maintain before :smile:Actually though, the Border on the Far Side, with...
Hello @peteThanks for the reply.I have sat the Pot in a Large Bucket and filled the Bucket with Water so the Plant can get a good Drink.It...
Hello allI hope you are all well.I have a Replacement Shrub (Acer Negundo Flamingo) being Delivered Today which should not have been...
Hello @Purple StreaksNice to see you here.If you mean the Ornamental Grass half way up and on the left in the Photos, I believe it is:Golden...
Hello @ShealSorry, I still do not understand your point, maybe I am just being dense.Due to my Issues, I am basically Medically Retired and...
Hello @ShealSorry, however, I fail to see how being at Retirement Age will affect anything.I tend to perceive Time differently to most and...
Hello @ShealMy Mum and I moved into this House in February of 1988 and there was nothing but Building Site beyond the end of this Street,...
Hello @CanadianLoriI will use the Sprinkler on the Back Lawn on a Timer set for 04:00 since the Sun Rises over the Back Garden.Then, when I...
Hello @CanadianLoriI agree that they have done a really good Job, and, Yes, I have told them so.There are a few Plants that have been damaged...
Hello @CanadianLoriThanks for the reply.I know it is more or less the same layout as before, but, it looks so much better.They did the...
Hello allI hope you are all well.The Landscapers are done for the Day.Just one Photo from Day 6:[ATTACH]They have Pointed the Patio,...
Hello @ShealI hope things improve for both you and your Family, sooner rather than later.On top of everything else that has gone wrong, the...
Hello @Black DogThanks for the reply.I have the 'Sky Blue', beautiful flowers.Kevin
Hello @mazamboThanks for the reply.The Buddleia Buzz Cultivars are Sterile so they do not Self Seed everywhere, other than that I believe...
Hello allI hope you are all well.As a result of Landscaping the shape of a Border has changed and I now have an 11 Month Old Buddleia Buzz...
Hello allI hope you are all well.I only have one Photo to update with Today as they are now working down the side of the House and in the...
Hello allI hope you are well.Well, if I did not have Bad Luck, I would have no Luck at all :wallbanging:It appears as though the Garden Tap...
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