Hey, guys and girls, if anyone's intrested, my brother and I have a showcase on the net. It's at showcaseyourmusic.com. Go to site, punch in Edge...
Just for the hell of it, I decided to right my autobiography. I've had a computer sitting idle after finishing my course with the RHS. After I...
I've got one of those 'thingys' that hold the harmonica in place. I use it when playing guitar. My party piece is Stranger On The Shore by Aker bilk.
I have a flymo that dosen't have a roller. So whatI do is cut the grass, rake up the debris and then with a broom run up the lawn dragging the...
Did you apply the weed killer more than once?
Keep trimming the top when needed as this will encourage side growth, which will eventually join up with its neighbour and form a continuous wall...
After an attack of some sort, in this case aphids, the tree becomes weak and this can be detrimental to it's overall health. The fungal infection...
I made the cat scarer myself, and no it dosen't work! Yes they are tulips amongnst other plants. This picture is a good few years old I'm affraid...
I can only think that it has caught a pathogen,and I would venture that it will go the same way as your other rose. I hope I'm wrong. Keep an eye...
Can you give us a discription of the bark of this tree? The reason being, if lenticles (pores) are horizontally placed around the trunk then it...
How about putting topsoil over it rake and firm. It will give a good start for the turf having good soil and you'll have a level lawn.
A man with more muscle than brains went for a job as a lumberjack. The foreman asked him if he had done lumberjacking before to which the man said...
Thanks all. Some of the jargon mentioned has gone right over my head,as I know as much about computers as brain surgery! I hope I don't have to...
It's in the key of C and is chromatic so you can get the notes the are represented by the black notes on a piano. I don't do the blues, although I...
I have a ten year old computer and am on dial up connection to the internet. Want to go over to broadband, but not sure if computer will be...
A poet I'm not, but was moved to write a verse for a birthday card recently. Thus: A picture may fade And hair turn to grey But in our...
Just bought a new harmonica. �£115! It's just the one I was looking for and have had it about a week now. I must get around to picking it up and...
Nice one 008. That's a new one to me. Must make a point of remembering that in case I come across an old stump that I need to remove.
Can't think of a cheap alternative, but to bring in soil in the quantity required by the lorry load, as this is cheap when buying in bulk form.
Separate names with a comma.