I would wait till dryer weather and fork the lawn to aerate it. I assume the lawn is not boggy all the time? If it is, then fork and apply lawn...
You could get in the guys who use stump grinders to remove such items at cost to you of course or you could do it yourself with an axe. Doing it...
I use a medium fine sand.
If it is warmer now in Glos, like here in the southeast,then the soil will be warm and moist, which is the best conditions to sow grass seed.
I did the RHS course level 2. I did a distance course, whereby the modules (14) are sent to you by post and a tutor is available via phone, email...
Hi, from Fonzie.
I would use a selective weedkiller. This will kill the weeds but not the grass. The way it works is, the weedkiller lays on weeds that have broad...
I wish I could send a pic of the garden, however, I believe that this site uses Photobucket and I use Flickr.com. I don't think the site allows...
Providing you take care of the transporting and transplanting and after care it should be ok. If you can transport it in a van it would be...
I simply use vaseline. It works wonders and stays on the pots for a very long time and continues to work for a very long time too. Regards Fonzie.
I believe Stuart Payne has the best solution here. If the drainage isn't working, then, as you have said, the water table is high, so raising the...
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) especially when in straight rows of different colours all standing to attention like a parade of soldiers.
Must be pretty hard to play I should think Dendrobium. Painful on the fingertips!
Anything that I consider a catchy tune Gogs. Rock, reggae, pop, ballads, just about everthing.
I sowed sweetpeas in a patio pot around december. They are covered with a cloche and are doing well. They are about 4in high now.
Apart from a bit of gardening, my main past time is playing guitar and singing. My brother and I used to perform at the holiday camps as a duo. We...
I do believe this to be Calystegia sepium, Hedge bindweed. You say it has only grown to 10cm, but did not say if it has climbed up any shrub near...
Hi, and welcome from the Fonz. And to all newcomers past, present and future.
During my studies with the RHS I discovered that 'One apple tree in a garden will suffice, as pollenators will fly a great distance to find an...
Separate names with a comma.