mmmm..could be I suppose. We did have a huge amount of rainfall over the summer. Could be root rot? I'll get some fertiliser too.
Hi all, I first noticed this yesterday - it was fine a couple of days ago. The plant is two years old and has just completely wilted! Any...
Vine weeval? Didn't think of that - I'll investigate, cheers. Doubt it could be overwatering, as it gets no more water than anything else.I...
Hi Jane, it's an Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet'.Although it gets no direct sun, it is in 'bright shade' if you know what I mean.
MY Acer has been in a north-facing border with no direct sun for a year now and seems to be thriving.
Hi all,I planted 3 Monkshood at the back of my shady border and all 3 seemed to be growing well. Two days ago I noticed that one of them had...
Here're some plants we've got in our shady areas:Acer, Laurel, Soloman's Seal, Asiatic Lilly, Navelwort, ferns (I've got a Male fern and a...
Thanks for the replies and advice!So, as I thought, the ivy and the tree are the main problem. Thing is, I'd like to keep the ivy along the...
Thanks for the replies.So, to clarify, a border by a north-facing fence would be considered 'full shade'?
My border is by a north-facing fence, so never receives direct sun. I'm looking into shade-tolerant plants, but finding it a bit confusing. Can...
Hi all,New to the forum and it's fair to say I'm a gardening novice!We've lived in our house for a year now and are just starting to turn...
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