:rolleyes: Yes quite appropriate [img]
We dug out almost the entire rootball. It was only about 1.5ft deep so didn't do it much damage (I hope). I was really pleasantly surprised.It...
I'm more excited about getting my veg garden off the ground, but I might well try knitting something if I can find someone can start me off. I'm...
I'm sure you'll do marvellously :D Remember we'll want to see pics! [img] It's really lovely.
I love it.
I like the long one. A classic will always be a classic [img] I learnt crochet in art/craft class at primary school but forgot. I intended...
come on dendy, spill the beans!
Hi macleaf and marge.Macleaf, this bamboo is called fargesia nitida nymphenburg. I like it because it's wispy, drapy and elegant. I'm really...
OUCH!Last gardening injury I had was hitting the top of my head really hard on the edge of an outward opening window while watering some potted...
Good luck Scotkat. Crochet, knitting, and craft in general are 'cool' again.
Of course as I wrote that, someone would set off another round :rolleyes: I hope they have the decency to leave well alone after midnight. Once...
The bangs have just stopped around here. My poor dog is exhausted from barking so much. Been like this for the past week no less.
Thanks for the welcome Lady of Leisure, and lovely to meet you! Your Magic Sam sounds too cute. I have no problem sharing my name with him [img]...
Pic of one of the bamboos we transplanted this weekend. I grew this from a baby in another garden three years ago and moved it 'home' at last...
What about a Bardsey apple tree?Bardsey is believed to be the world's oldest/rarest apple. One tree was re-discovered a few years ago growing...
Hi Kandyfloss, I've read about a bean called the Cherokee Trail of Tears pole bean. It's a black heritage bean that was grown by the Cherokee...
whilst we're still in t-shirts. Amazing. Hello daz and debs.
Fancy, maybe it's better edit your address details from here and PM instead? Just a heads up.
Sounds about right :D
Separate names with a comma.