Ours has a wide understanding of vocab as well. We need to spell or abbreviate as well e.g. walkies became-walk-w's-then the ears started perking...
Maybe when we move to a bigger place, we'll be able to adopt a big dog like one of those sweeties. Meanwhile we cuddle our mini dog. She's 8yrs...
[img] What are you planning on growing in your secret garden Roders?
Or a bamboo. Ok it's not a tree but the sound of the wind blowing through - so relaxing!
Is this the same for Romanesco broccolli? I started from seed in Sept. They're not looking too good with lots of holes in the leaves (from slugs I...
I've heard that garlic repels (kills?) slugs so maybe plant a couple of cloves in your pots. Would serve a double purpose [img]
Well if it does grow into anything, you shall be the first to receive a gift of a peanut [img] I love surprises (good ones that is).
I've just been clearing away bits in the garden and pulled what I thought was a weed in a pot. Turns out it's a peanut plant! The shell came out...
Hi Rumple,I too am interested in your Earl of Edgecombe tomato and Crown Prince pumpkin seeds. Would love to try them if you still have any...
I do all the digging! Well me and my little doggy when she's in the mood (a yorkie, you understand). The problem lies in the OH's obsession with...
Artistic robots tend yardsMILK
Hi kandyfloss, I really hope to. Maybe next summer as you said. And it will definitely have to be at least two days. We'll need a couple [img]...
Thank you all for the welcome. I've been having a read around the site and it seems very diverse, informative and busy. And friendly. Nice [img]
I've heard it's gorgeous. I would love to go especially to see the tree ferns.
Hi dendrobium,I'm new around here and just wondering around the site and saw your garden pics. Looks great! [img] looks like you have a...
Hi frangipangi,I have a half standard size growing in a terracotta container on my patio for the past two years.I haven't paid it much...
Hello from London. Been told I had a green thumb since childhood but this is only my first year growing anything edible. Looking forward to...
Separate names with a comma.