Ooops Shiney THAT wasn't me honest it was one of the Yorkies!:hehe: Kandy I think you are not the only one darling that can't wait for nicer,...
Dee it was fun seeing your progress so far I'm sure you have a better time scale than us. Bob laid a block paving drive for us when we first...
Morning Walnut and all. Damp out but pretty mild, all we need is for things to dry up so some 'real' work can be done!
Morning all. Had a lovely little potter around our back garden yesterday just 2 or 3 hours or so and boy did I enjoy myself although I did make...
Morning guys. It's a bit of an 'animal' day today raining cats and poodles thank goodness the only mess they leave is puddles!
Morning Woo and all. Shiney a very posh lunch there I do hope the lucky students enjoyed it if not give them beans on toast next time!:hehe:...
Morning all. Well it does indeed seemed to have worked (my rain dance yesterday) today we have been rewarded with just an icing of frost and of...
Morning Shiney, 02 and all. Marley it is wonderful that you have a brilliant relationship with you s-i-l it must give you great comfort that...
Well done Men8ifr that is a bargain indeed. Last winter I tied up our cordylines as Blackthorn said as it was out first winter with them I...
Morning all. Quite wet here although not too nippy ideal weather to do a naked rain-dance to get rid of all the rain so there's none left for...
All the best sweetie may you and your beloved have a wonderful day!:luv: Hel &
Morning Woo, Kandy and all. All the best for Saturday Oktarine may you have as many fun filled years as Bob and I.:luv: Woo if only I could...
Hi all, The guys over at the allotment are always saying about how they get 5 packets of seeds from Netto for £1, so while Bob and I were on our...
Paddy if you do decide on a polytunnel then you will need quite a few extra hands to help you put the blinking thing up. Our allotment buddy...
Morning Shiney , Marley and all. Shiney your tree surgeon does sound like a character may he have a great many years enjoying his trade....
Shobhna I'm horrified to hear of your Christmas experience when I first read your opening lines I thought your beloved had spotted a rat or...
Lol Kristen I think know what you mean sweetie. One of the mistakes some of us newbie greenhouse owners do is to fall into the trap of getting...
Congratulations on getting the best job in the world becoming a parent has the best rewards you can ever imagine the rewards are many and you will...
Morning all. Damp and quite cold outside although we have been lucky as it's not icy
Morning Shiney, Kandy and all. Lol Shiney as long as you can cover my fee I would gladly come and redecorate my fee would have to be a nice big...
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