I may as well carry on and edit my posts later when I take breaks from brick bashing! [img] This is looking north. House on the right. You can...
Thanks guys - I'll try posting just one at a time. [img] This is looking south. House on the left, lower patio level. The wall on the right was...
Thanks. I've posted them onto photobucket and resized one. Which bit do I copy and paste into here? The URL; HTML; or IMG code?
I've finally taken a short break in brick cleaning and have taken photos - how do I post them here?
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I had to lop the top off the clematis when replacing the trellis so am hoping that's not going to damage the...
Thanks for the replies. A good idea to take photos - as soon as I get a moment, I'll figure out how to do it.I'm being more careful about which...
A quick update and a request for more advice please. The demolition and cleaning of the bricks is slow going. At the moment, I'm sorting the...
I have a Duchess of Edinburgh clematis and the care label says to prune lightly in spring. I also have three other similar looking clematis, but I...
I would really, really like a hot tub. BUT.....I'm too mean to spend very much and if heating it cost a lot, it wouldn't get used. I know someone...
I successfully kept slugs and snails off my hostas by putting crushed eggshells on top of the soil around the plant.
Thanks for those links. MOH has been talking about a chalet thing in the garden and as he will be retiring next year perhaps he could do with a...
Someone here posted a photo of a shed built using reclaimed or salvaged materials. Can anyone suggest a book giving ideas on this and other projects?
Hey Boys - good to see you're getting on okay as this lady is going to need as much advice as she can get! The advice for tapping the back of a...
I am sure when linlin gets to the subject of footings,I can answer this question as well.I certainly hope so!!If I can get to the point of...
Thanks for the replies. PeterS - I'm not yet at the bricklaying stage as I'm still demolishing a wall and hoping the reuse the bricks. It's slow...
Just to report has started and I'm taking down a wall brick by brick. I'm trying to clean these as I go as I'd like to reuse them but getting the...
When can I expect my winter flowering pansies to flower. Not a sign of a bud so far and they've been in well over a month.
Has anyone tried using live willow for screening? I'd be interested to know how difficult it is and if it could be used in hedgerows to thicken...
So are you putting this on some kind of wall?The patio is on two levels and the upper level is due to be dug out to provide more space on the...
As part of my patio redesign, I'm wondering about a bit of a pond incorporated into the patio. I'm considering putting it into a corner of the...
Separate names with a comma.