I've copied the comment by Toyah which I'd posted into another topic.With all the fuss created around Amanda Abbington, I thought the comments...
It's always a bit of light entertainment on a long journey to see the petrol fairy at work. The only problem is, she doesn't seem to like short...
There were lots of fans of Strictly on the GW Forum so I'm wondering if it would be worth creating a topic on here? With all the fuss created...
When we had our first Wills prepared we used a Will writing company. Everything seemed OK when they collected the information. When the Wills...
A Will can be witnessed by anybody. They just have to be present when you sign the Will.
Charges for legal work are crazy. My wife has a personal injury claim in at present, being handled under the legal support element of our home...
@cactus_girl you refer to 'some time ago', and 'some years ago'. How long ago did you dig out the bamboo? It seems unlikely, but not impossible,...
I hope you explained to your daughter that just because a problem appears in June doesn't mean it existed 3 months earlier. Maybe she thinks...
I forgot to mention in my previous comment about the tyres. The one tyre was replaced pre-MOT because it was getting low. Sailed straight...
I took my wife's car in for one new tyre and when I went to collect it they tried to tell me the other tyres were illegal because they were more...
The reality is that the pension doesn't actually rise, it only keeps up with inflation - if you are very lucky. Using the Governments own...
But it ain't free. 'Free at the point of use' but costs the taxpayer billions each years. A few more billions now with the Government capitulation.
With our surgery, not the same as my sister-in-law, once you can get through the wait for a face-to-face appointment isn't too bad but they often...
Reading more about the incident. The surgery apparently wanted people to contact them by e-mail but had no system for prioritising those e-mails...
I was reading a report today about an elderly man who had been told to e-mail the surgery, not to phone. I'm guessing they thought he was a time...
My wife has just come back from meeting up with a friend of hers who uses the same surgery as my sister-in-law. She is diabetic and was having...
My sister-in-law was hospitalised in Cyprus for 3 nights with a severe stomach bug. That got sorted but the doctors were concerned about her very...
The rules around getting the shingles jab are crazy. It used to be for the over 70s but they have now changed it so that anybody who turned 65...
The synchronised advert timing drive me nuts too. It wasn't like that until a couple of years ago (maybe a bit longer). It was always possible...
I spent a whole summer repeatedly going through the borders and veg patch, trying to remove every piece I found. It certainly had a dramatic...
Separate names with a comma.