- and one more thing, if I may! The passionflower on the terrace in a pot has come through the winter with lots of healthy foliage and is covered...
Urgle! Two days ago we had a healthy common thyme in a terracotta pot. Yesterday evening we were astonished to find it had been stripped bare and...
I'll try not to give too much water, but that's not easy when it's bucketing down outside! Thanks again.
Thanks for the reply, Hornbeam. I shouldn't think it's pot-bound as it was only potted on last November. The leaves aren't sticky at all and I...
I've got a small bay bush in a container which is getting plenty of fresh growth. The problem is that, a soon as the leaves begin to darken in...
Thanks, dendrobium! I've discovered that there is a local greengrocer who sells general purpose potting compost, so not too far for this...
Finally got round to looking at old soil in containers and discovered loads of old cigarette-ends (yuk!), spent matches and - right at the bottom - that...
Thanks so much! I can't wait to get started. Re the window-boxes - I don't have any choice as they are part of the building which has just been...
Liz - wow! Where do you get blueberries as plants? How big do they grow?
Tomatoes certainly sound a good idea - I love 'em! Have you grown any particular ones successfully? Pelargoniums, yes, I've grown those in pots...
I've just moved into a new flat. There's a south-facing balcony with 2 good sized window-boxes ready fixed in place on the outer ledge, plus some...
Thanks, Liz, for the information. It's OK, then - I've only wrapped round the sides of the pots. Top has a layer of vermiculite and base is off...
Hi - just came in on this thread and here's a question I'd appreciate advice on. I've put bubble wrap round a couple of containers on the terrace...
Sallyann, thanks for the reassuring message. The fourth-floor terrace certainly can't compete with a welsh mountain-top! I've just put some...
Thanks, Pete - I was surprised to see it flowering when I bought it, as I thought it was a bit late. Even more amazed when it carried on after...
Delighted to have found this website. I planted a passiflora in a container on a terrace on top of the building just a few weeks ago. It's...
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