What's an "acceptable" size for a gooseberry? I just want to try this....... sp****!
Most staple food products are wind pollinated, all the grass type grains, wheat, rice, corn etc and potatoes don't need pollination at all....
Right down the the ground, next year's stems will shoot up from the undrerground roots. If they are big clumps, you can dig them up and split...
I think that it's one of the dogwoods, Cornus
If you prune it, it will look even worse!
We can make a link here.... the buddleia has been eaten by adult Vine weevils, the rhodo has probably had its roots eaten by Vine weevil grubs......
"Bunging" stuff in, is never as good as planting... with love!
Yep... as they're a wee bit tender, wait until they are just about to break into growth in the spring.
My least favourite tree/shrub, there's nothing nice about these things Dig it out and plant something nicer!... anything!
Here's my recipe for fabulous sweetpeas 1, Sow seed at the end of January. under cover.. normal seed sowing compost, 4 inch pots 2, When 3 or 4...
Hi, Theres a few diferent types of marigolds, but all of them are suitable for growing in containers. They are all summer flowering annuals...
hi, They will get bigger than that, best to prune it back in the spring, as much or as little as you want. but if it's really messy now get the...
Trailing fuchsias tend to be more tender, so might need lifting and overwintering somewhere frost free!
Aye, at least cut back the half way now, and further in the spring. it depends on which variety and how tough they are, the normal F....
I'm non the wiser!
Yep ... Plantsman's right, you need to be taking out some of the older gnarled stems, but leaving some of the newer straighter ones. If you...
Talk to your neighbour... if you went round spraying my plants with round-up, I'd be cross. one man's bramble is another man's blackberry!
Trace it back to the roots and dig/pull it out... as long as you get the main growing points out , it won't come back.
What a fascinating site!.... we should all include a list of our tools too!
Look at the adverts for hedging at the back of any of the gardening mags. I've used Hopes Grove, and Buckingham.... both good, reliable and...
Separate names with a comma.