If they grow in Perthshire...they'll definitely grow in Sussex then :)
Can it be something outdoors as Marley has suggested? That way everyone can join in, regardless of space.
Sounds fun. I don't really 'do' vegetables in the garden (space) but if it's something I can grow, I'll certainly join in :)
I know someone who bought the seeds at Hampton Court and tried them. I think she had an ok crop, but I don't remember her either wailing or...
I'd add that if you do manage to get a dalek style composter, they do work, although slowly. We have one, had it for several years and for the...
I only read the Daily Mail online...in order to discover what the 'enemy' is being told to think. More people should do likewise. Did you know the...
Unless you are an expert, chinese pottery/porcelain is not that easy to discern between an original, a chinese 19th century 'copy' (produced for...
What are you trying to protect? Unless they are tender or half hardy, most perennials will survive even harsh winters fine. Planting them out in...
The sad bit is the history of how that vase may have got to the UK. If it was originally in the old Summer Palace of Beijing, which was looted and...
Might be a bit late to contribute to this, but our local council did some work on the grounds of offices very recently and sowed some grass seed...
I don't know if it would work with traffic, but bamboo is well known (in the poultry keeping world anyway!) for deadening the noise of a cock(s)...
Not thought about that idea, but I don't see why not, providing the sealant is properly applied and no gaps left. Don't do it until you hear back...
Complain...although the rain has been heavy recently. But then heavy rain is expected in...winter! So yes, complain. I have the same problem,...
I've not been watching it, Victoria, but if it's as entertaining as the programme where they gorge themselves, whilst in period dress, in...
Groan indeed Shiney:hehe:
King Mithridates of Pontus was paranoid that he would be poisoned, so he supposedly took a little bit of the well known poisons every day as an...
Changing your birthday on any online applications/forums you use is a good way to keep yourself safe. I've done this on Facebook and I have the...
Then they will be crowing by now if there is a male amngst them. A female Silkie has a small, almost walnut like comb - a male has a huge, bulbous...
How old are they?
I can vouch for Best Borders, if you want something in book form, rather than online.
Separate names with a comma.