Perhaps we would be better off following the German principle - realise we aren't a world power and get on with sorting things out for the...
Hi Lucy and welcome to Gardeners Corner. Your plot sounds fantastic, if a lot of hard work. Stick around and feel free to ask for assistance of...
The only reduced plants I will buy are herbaceous perennials (and hardy at that). My reasoning - it takes a lot of neglect to kill them and at...
Your Salvias are always lovely to see Peter. My Salvia Splendens survived a couple of nights of the frost, but the third night did for it and the...
There is the Herbs and Wildflower section Rob, which while used for questions/threads on herbs mainly, could also be used for your suggestion....
I'll buy rhizomes next Spring, rather than try with seeds as I really don't have room for that (not with everything else I have on the go as...
Just catching up on this thread, so thank you Peter et al for your contributions on it. Cannas are something I'd like to try next year to give...
How about stretching chicken wire (or similar) over the top of the pot, raising it slightly in a convex fashion, so the wire is in no danger of...
That weed with the pretty pink flowers that seed everywhere? Is that what you mean?
I'm sure your toddler will be fine Victoria. I used to visit my grandparents on their farm when I was a kid and fell into all sorts of puddles and...
I was too distracted by the topless rugby player to notice anyone else...
A brilliant source of Vitamin C, before we had supermarkets selling fresh produce shipped in from Africa. What do you do with once it's made?...
Have they definitely been downloaded to your PC and not deleted off the camera? If so, the easiest way I can think of finding where they have been...
The thought has crossed my mind!
Fingers crossed for the island and your friends Marley
From further reading on other sites (including one in New Zealand!) it appears they are not known as 'drain damagers' as the root goes straight... terms of over population, who's going to be first in line to volunteer not to have children? Perhaps governments need to offer some...
Cheers guys. Anyone else want to contribute or advise? Tap root Pete? Hmmmmm, that doesn't sound very optomistic as far as moving them is concerned.
Afternoon We have three Cordylines planted within six feet of the front of the house. Bad planting I know, but they were put in several years...
It's the microwave clock I have problems remembering how to change, which can make further problems as it's the one I most often look at when I'm...
Separate names with a comma.