looks like a margarite but i don't think they come in that colour
doesn't take into account micro climates & local topography
I hope you didn't find that in your pond
That's impressive. I'm just starting out so the laying out of the plot was what interested me. I keep a diary of what and when I planted stuff,...
Does anyone know if the size of the bean you plant has any bearing on the plant that comes from it? This year I bought some Scarlet Emperor Runner...
Plant names simplified (Their Pronunciation Derivation & Meaning) by A.T.Johnson and H.A.Smith ISBN No. 0900513 04 7 I find this very useful
Has any one tried Suttons vegetable garden planner? It looks quite good.
I'm not normally a health and safety kill joy but what concerns me is condensation collecting them freezing and breaking the bottles.
A tank full of water is heavier than you think. It always used to be the case that you stood the tank on a layer of polystryrene because the glass...
The thing labeled 0069 or 6900 (not sure which way up it is) looks like an air pump. These are used to oxygenate the water if there are no plants....
I don't mean to be difficult but a lot of the latin names for plants are greek
How about fixing some of that bamboo/wicker screening to your side. You could just tie it on & it won't damage any thing. You could plant a...
"will probably be suckered into trying something else strange next year." How about pea beans,(Phaseolus aegypticus) like mini runnerbeans if...
How about wear safety glasses near cordalines and yuccas! (I speak from painful experience)
It's very difficult to find a small pump that works well and you need a small pump because you want to circulate the volume of the pond every 1 to...
"In terms of fish freezing to death in winter, in the case of a small pond (and therefore just a few small fish), I've never understood how come...
They're good for slug control!
You can dig it up, turn it upside down and put soil on top it will compost itself naturally giving it's nutrients back into the raised bed. But if...
You'll need to keep your floaties somewhere frost free over winter. All my fish are called Bob as that's what they call each other, they seem to...
Separate names with a comma.