is this it [img]
I tried to grow morning glory once, planted the seed then pulled them all up as they germinated thinking they were bindweed. DOH!
I saw one a week or two ago when I moved a pot to turn my compost.
Don't worry about tadpoles running out of food, the biggest ones are the cannibals. :eek:
Something not mentioned in gardening books is that if you dig a pond in heavy clay soil when it rains, a liner will turn inside out and a plasit...
I've had a honeysuckle 'americana' in a 15" pot for at least 4 years. I topdress it each autumn ('cos in the spring I've got bulbs coming up in...
What are you watering them with? Tap water can contain too much lime, which they don't like. If you can collect rain water it's best to use that.
It's a periwinkle 'vinca' is the latin name could be major or minor. It's a brilliant plant for promblem spots but it can be a bit invasive. Where...
Cut the top & bottom off a plastic bottle shove it over the offending weed and spray down the bottle, that way you get the weed not your plants....
If you go to your local builder's merchant, such as Jewson or bradford you should be able to pick up a catalogue of products and it should say in...
You can buy imitation granite sets on a kind of mesh, if you laid them on sand on top of the path they should be flexible enough to accommodate...
The one with a varigated leaf is a cyclamen but the one with the pink flowers is a type of saxifrage.
I consider myself very lucky with the inhabitants of my garden, every time I do any pottering I come across frogs newts and toads, lthough I do...
The last one looks like dogs tooth violet so called because the corm/bulb (can't remember which) looks like a dogs canine tooth. the one before it...
They look like cordyline austalis. Yuccas do sprout from whereever you cut them but I'm not sure about cordylines. I do know from experience that...
I once went to a talk about worms and compost and it seems that earthworms and compost woms are entirely diferent so it may not do any good to put...
I was gardening on Saturday and came across a wee nasty, 1 inch long,bright orange and leech-like. I've just been to DEFRA's web site and...
If at first you don't succeed-destroy any evidence you ever tried.
Last year's bulb has flowered again this year. I just gave it a little water with the rest of the house plants until the leaves started to go...
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