If I ran a garden centre I'd stock the most common plants that most people would want to buy. So I guess you'd find it a bit tricky getting...
Yup, get them in now. By mid-May they'll be 6 inches tall and hopefully the weather will be fine to put them in the greenhouse, but they'll be OK...
Qutie right, Kristen, I wasn't suggesting anything untoward!!
Luke, they definitely had more flavour than shop bought, but still pretty mild and insipid once cooked. Good raw on a salad though. I would have...
Hi OnTheHut, and welcome. Sounds like you've pretty much got a good plan already. Yes, clear the weeds, mow the grass, get rid of everything...
I've run several Limited companies ove the last 25 years and have some good experience with this.Share-holders and Directors are totally...
Parcel arrived this morning, thanks Shobna. I'll try and get it back in the post this afternoon, if not Monday, to Ariadae.Thanks.
Same here Luke, I just wanted to try it to 'tick a box'.
You should get 4-8 in a basket. Just depends on how big you let them get. The height may look a little odd in a basket but trimming them for use...
I've had a go twice with the grow-your-on kit boxes. The first produced nothing at all whilst the second worked a treat. I did nothing different...
Sounds logical, Kristen, when you think about it. Putting the cloves in the fridge before planting should have a similar affect, I guess. There...
From what I understand (I planted my Solent Wight's in October and they're 6 inches high now) garlic needs to get cold to split the planted clove...
It'll be much easier if you're 'new' to growing to start from plugs/seedlings and just pot them on. Take them home, water them, keep them warm,...
Victoria, I've got Charlottes chitting right now. Had them on a bright window sill for about 3 weeks already and they're about 2 weeks away from...
Rhubarb's a good idea, but I've got way too much on the allotment that I can't get rid of. It just doesn't want to die!
Thanks all, I did buy them as seed potatoes, from Marshalls. There's probably 25 good ones and 3 shrivelled so I'll bin them and save running...
Ok, now I don't know who's taking the p*ss and who isn't!I'll settle for a picture of plastic mushrooms, with some fern in the background and...
Hi,I've got my Charlotte potatoes chitting in eggboxes on a window sill, but a couple have shrivelled and shrunk, with wrinkly skin and no...
Thanks all, I couldn't think of/find anything that would suit and you've pretty much confirmed it.Mushrooms, plastic and pictures it is!...
Hi All,I'm looking for a plant or two to brighten up the downstairs loo. Only problem is there are no windows so it only get's artificial...
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