I've taken fuchsia and weigela cuttings in the last few weeks and they've rooted incredibly quickly. I did however just place them in the...
Me too :)Longk Bilbo
Noticed some more had fallen on this ground!, bruised a little so the birdies can have them :biggrin:, but tried some more on the tree and picked...
Thanks Jenny, being a young tree I have had to prop it up just to give it a little help as it has so much weight on one side; well it did :snork:...
Back off our jollies and delighted to find some lovely big apples on our young Cox's Orange Pippin tree, blighted with some sort of maggot last...
It changes with the seasons like most things, now as autumn approaches I start hearing the chirping of the robins, blue tits and great tits and...
I would assume so, I've been to Northwich, Long Eaton, Ilkeston and Beeston stores and they all have reductions :)
Possibly but when you I've seen smaller ones up to £20+ at garden centres I supposed it all depends if you want one or not, in this case I don't...
Anyone fancy trying the palm trees that are grown from coconuts, Lidl have some in for £5.99, they are essentially young seedling plants but are...
All remaining garden related items are reduced in B&M to clear, some by as much as 75%, including multi purpose compost reduced to £1.99 from £4.99 :)
Provado insecticide spray reduced to £2 per bottle to clear at Tesco
That's interesting Pete, this too looks better earlier in the year when the variegation has more clarity but to still have some leaf colour as...
Large fruit on my F.procumbens, which has grown very well this year :)[ATTACH]
A couple of up to date photos, one showing the development of the stem better :)[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Got this shot last night of the moon, best photo I've managed yet, very pleased :)[ATTACH]
Got a fantastic view myself last night, straight over head and yes I also saw the shooting star, in fact I was lucky enough to see 2, although the...
I've had this same problem this year, perhaps worse because my tree is heavily laden with fruit??Either way it appeared on some fruit long...
I've rooted semi ripe hydrangea cuttings in pots just placed in a zip-lock bag and popped in a cold frame out of direct sunlight. They rooted...
They have decent plants in from time to time, often young plants in 3 inch pots wrapped cellophane. You have to get them reasonably quick...
Thanks Keith, the Buddleja is hardy to -5, however some say if planted in well drained soil its hardy to -10, so I suspect it resents sitting in...
Separate names with a comma.