Ar yes now I did see somthing like that in a flyer that came through the door once, but for the life of me I cant remember what it was hang on a mo.
HiI have keept fish in a pond for years, when the tem drops the fish will go into a sort of suspended animation so try not to disturb them to...
Its a hard one this :rolleyes: , Both our cats and the neighbours love bark chippings and even the gravel on the drive. you can get things that...
and then it evolved to warnig about hybonating ladybirds and ded things in wellies, no need to take it so personaly. this is a discution foram...
:eek: yuk we found half a mouse under the sofa once, Lovely cats [img]
god what is wrong with some people on this site. they are so @@@ dont want to say it they might complain again.We had a Frog come in the house...
RE LadybirdsI have just removed a huge pile of leves from under the ivy at the side of the house and found 2 seven spot ladybirds. I just hope...
I always throught Russian vine was like an ivy and not evergreen and its stems whent red in winter????
:( Confusing ist it..... Thanks for the replys for some reason I'm not getting emails to say ther has been replys.
Well Lenticular. I didnt put it ther to be political I just find it funny. But if thats all you have to wory about in life you must be a verry...
Yes, Look at as many books and gardens as you can till you get some ideas. And dont wory if you come home with a car full of plants then after you...
We planted one on the front of the house last April and it had reached the roof by October.
A realy good fast grower is Mile a minute and as it nam sugest thats how it grows. It also has fern like white flowers. As long as you dont let...
Yes I've done that a few times and it bloody hurts, I'm glad I where glasses aswell. Did it the other day while I was having a poter about,...
HelloWhaen is it considerd to be frost free now (what date) in the midlands?
well did he have to pm me and slag off my gardaning abilaty ? Just based on my pic. thats what made me so mad :mad:
I didnt want to get political I just wanten some advise. I dont plan on taking this any further I just wish some people would mind there own business
you started it
Thank you elainefiz aparantly pete2255 dosnt like it. says it to political.Well all I can say is if Bush gets his way we might not be able to...
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