Articat is gorgeous and so is shelby. Lovely pics and captions wiley, I could'nt help but smile at them. Some of the things that cats get up to...
Oh heck, I sometimes wish I could edit my brain like I can my profile. You checked last years didnt you. [img] Apologies again.
Bobj did you find those photo's you lost? I've just been into my profile to edit something and spotted something in there that might be of help....
:D :D :D Good one shiney. that tickled me pink [img]
Thats interesting, I'd love to have seen how your wife did that shiney. Train the chicks I mean [img]
Talk about body language, love their apprehension, ooh not sure about this, can i get by, if i do will it pounce/ Muuum. mum comes along, see...
Tsee hee, I can see your fingerprints on the cup :D :D
Hi dee, thanks for your comment but am wondering that if I did I may infringe some sort of copywright as it's the what christine used to say as an...
Wow what handy info. Can I store all that? If so , how do I do it Barra?
Wonderful pics Rosa. Just the sort to look at when you get up first thing of a morning. Brighten the start of the day up beautifully they would.
Hehehe er derrr, Erm these pc's confuse me dee I'm afraid. Praps when i get a bit more confidence [img] [img]
[img] You keep going on & on b, If you like me and stuck at home why not indulge in something that has so many benefits. Relaxation, fresh air,...
Yes bobj It was spinal inflamation that would'nt calm down, job related at the time. thats why i had to have the coxic injection, it was inside...
Poor you david, not nice to have discomfort in the back especialy when we love to garden. Sometimes i feel like screaming with frustration because...
I'll try and get some greyhound plug plants if i can. Ive a number of garden catalogues i can check out. T&M, Dobies etc, As to photo's now you...
Oh boy [img] sory bob talk about not checking out what comments have already been made before trying to help. [img] Who feels foolish then.
I wonder bob if go into your profile and alter the bit that says show so many days etc. perhaps if you alter that it may work.
I've watched the allotment series on the discovery channels and some of allotmenteers grew them in those blue water tubs and had greater success...
Iv, put it on my favorites to get back to lateras i'm wondering if it might offer greater insight into why i suffer so with back trouble and have...
Know what you mean borrowers, I spend so much time checking out the site my hubby reckons he's now a pc widdower. Since getting 'into' veg growing...
Separate names with a comma.