thanks bob and daith, trouble is there are too many trees in our 'garden' we have cut down a lot, not big ones but second and third years saplings...
thanks for reply chopper, Im not expecting them to be in flower but no thickening or signs of flowers, Im wondering if the trees are making a...
last year I planted lots of gladioli this year the same, interspacing with the previous ones, thinking I would have a lovely display, so far...
they are lovely, so colourful, did you incubate them or under a broody. jenn
no apology necessary K I went to specavers and after 2 weeks my glasses are US cant see to thread a needle. jenn
kansy my post mentions 3 day evening, wasnt aware it was in my profile, I dont like the g.n. havent wartched it since red rum won for the third...
No it wasnt Val, but he was a 'character' which I dont feel we have now, its too much hype and 'winning' rather than the playing, the skill in the...
actually its derbyshire/yorkshire border where the caverns are, if anyone is travelling this way from there would be eternally grateful, ie tea,...
sorry tennis is boring, boring, boring, apologies to those who love it, but its worse than darts and golf. used to follow henman but his luck ran...
no we'll drown jenn
dont suppose anyone is coming to the game fair at blenheim this year from yorkshire. I have a chance at a trio of bantams that I cant get cause...
I certainly dont get much sleep KL, what with watching out for chicken thieves, little nameless men/women and this gale creature, stood under the...
hes got a bike jenn its not rumplstiltskin, YOU DONT SAY THE NAME !!!!!! they get VERY cross if you do
thats them clueless, obviously theres more than one of them alwys thought so jenn
well not really but surely youve heard of 'them# jenn
wish you were too, thats the trouble really, not a lot happens in oxfordshire, now Ill get slated for saying that, but you do feel rather 'odd' at...
by the time we catch either of them we'll be 94, so it might be nice to do summat before then jenn
its a pain but oh the eating is good - got the cherries ripe now, not as sweet or as many as last year cause the gales blew a lot of them off in...
no kyleleonard not children - little people - who you should not name, - ziggy thats really good about the bird seed, did you start whistling or...
are there any members of this forum in oxfordshire (or close) cause I cant drive far Im a wimp) who would really like to get together for chats,...
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