I went there about a month ago , with my order list in his hands he took me around to show me all the dead plants I`ve ordered , most of the...
Ok , just the part I`ve cutted off , beliving that it was the anther ....:) overall that can be a problem , all of my stigma where already...
primulas , mine doesn`t look any good as well ....they are not used to sunshine anymore and as soon as sunshine coming , they start to get sunburn
I was trying to make my first cannas hybrid .........funny but I can find the stigma :scratch: anyone have any idea? how how to make a canna hybrid?
I will have a go , of course we don`t know if it will work , it doesn`t cost anything try I`ll do mine tmw
Stefy , really nice variety and well worth to covering them , can you give us more information on the soil ph or what soild they prefer? Longk ,...
Bilbo shame i didn`t had the idea early .....I will have a go with what I have , mine are all late ;) ..my garden is facing north so no much of...
Guys , as every years we keep try to cultivate the same cannas from seeds , why don`t we try to do an hybrid and see what we get next year????
no problem Zigs ...I`ll delate ;) ...I know that now
Sirius you are right indeed , that thread as been created by someone like me that tecnically have been ripped off , I payed 3.99 for a dead zombi...
let`s` not forget that the secret is never give up ;).... to be honest my one doesn`t look as green as the one in the picture , but if we ever...
Stefy , we actually need you , to now little be more .... please could you show more hardy variety how to make an hybrid what soil should we use...
wait I will have a special guess soon , there are so many new species that I do lots of confusion , so I`ve invited an expert ;)
Noisette , there are few of the biggest producer of passiflora in France ....I will ask the address
Hi all when i say hardy passiflora we all thing about the commun cearulea , but no many peoples know that one of the worl experct in passiflora...
there is a catarpillar somewhere ....but really hard to find .
apparently the plants have spores like ferns , many peples have managed to germinate from the dead plants , but only work if the plant is not too...
Pete , a plant bought in the 1983 , that have never grown or flowered , didn`t you get suspicious ;) ? overall the plant that look like a fern or...
Hi all last week I`ve order one of them rose of jericho off a cataloque that was selling at £2.50 rathen then the usual £1o . [IMG] then you...
I`ve never growed one as it`s a really slow grower and the roots are really invasive ....really can help ...but welcome to the forum
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