suspected this but very small euphorbia-green flowers...
Which Euphorbia is this? Grew out of a Iris douglasiana I bought last year. Still flowering and a bit taller now. [ATTACH]
In Brussels, single mock orange shrubs are common, often planted under trees in parks. They flower nicely and coolly but have little scent. There...
Thanks, Liz! I will make a more serious attempt than last year at clearing the area around the base (am commuting monthly until October, when I...
yes, it blossoms - mind you, I've only seen it in blossom twice, in 2011 when we were buying the house and this spring. More flowers in 2011......
] Sedum, probably spectabile
Thanks for that. I was thinking about quince leaf blight, but there were no orange spots to start with, just brown spreading over the leaf as...
My small quince is losing all its leaves: they go brown and fall off. I've now taken off the remaining leaves and removed as well as those that...
There is a white version and a red one - prettier than the pink one you've got. But all have a strong wish for life, which I think is the...
What is this? 10 feet tall and at least as wide - flowering now, but deciduous and slow to get started in spring. [ATTACH]
Am planning to start new border along a bank, where there is and will continue to be, no doubt, quite a lot of bracken. (There's also brambles...
Thanks again Silver surfer, May I ask you another question? The unimproved, semi-wild lilac in Brussels and - at least in some parts of the UK...
any idea of what kind?
The flowers look like lilac but not the leaves - and no scent. Also in mauvy pink[ATTACH] .
Would like to benefit from your vast experience. Saw in a park (in Brussels) this stunningtree peony - 6 feet tall and self-supporting. Name?
Arsenic always was known for perking up old horses. No comments on present company of course...
In my new garden I found a Gunnera by the pond side, but it is very small, although Gunnera-like, tight shape of leaves and prickly stems, so I...
holly?, if you keep it pruned etc. but you will have to garden with solves as dry holly leaves are pretty prickly. Otherwise, consider a...
I think I have a Gunnera-type thing (right kind of leave, prickly stems but quite small), but kept in quite a small pot, so perhaps just starved,...
The unimproved lilac has single flowers, a good scent, makes a good cut flower and spreads by suckers. Just what I want in a corner of my garden....
Separate names with a comma.