Well done on your purchase @Jack Sparrow - even if no commission was offered!Sempervivums are unfussy so long as you keep them well drained. But...
That's good @Kevin Cowans - much more sensible than my wooden ones!
Me too. :blue thumb:Meanwhile - in the days when I had a lawn, I kept the borders at the same height, more or less. The lawn had a brick edging...
It's store wide from yesterday, @BigC, though I don't know whether that means absolutely every Lidl: Sempervivum Mixed - at Lidl UK
Couldnt't resist these when I visited Lidl this morning - this week's special offer, 6 nice little sempervivums for £4.99! [ATTACH]
Yes, do ask the garden centre--I suspect that these are fittings that are made for sale to businesses and councils rather than private gardeners....
They're not something I've ever grown @Nosivad, but I bet some other forum member knows. If you want to create a new thread with 'blue poppy' in...
That does indeed look like a Stag's Horn Sumach: Rhus typhina | stag's horn sumach/RHS GardeningThey do send up a lot of suckers! If you want...
A quick fix for this summer, until the plants grow, would be to increase the height of the fence with some cheap rolls of willow or brushwood...
I found this Jersey Tiger moth still and floating on my pond this morning - they are becoming quite well-established in South London. Fished it...
My new waterlily has just had its first flower! It's a Nymphaea pygmea rubra which arrived as little slip of a thing in a jiffybag back in March,...
Excellent news! Did you get help with that?
Hi @crazydaisyx, is it a well-established lawn or one that was planted recently? If it's the former, no you don't have to water it, unless you...
Yes, it's the everlasting pea, lathyrus latifolius: Lathyrus latifolius | broad-leaved everlasting pea/RHS GardeningThere is a white version too...
There is the Cottage Garden at Sissinghurst Castle, though it includes orange as well as yellow. Unlike the rest it was designed not by Vita...
As it's a ceramic I'd use Milliput - there's a terracotta-coloured one which should blend in nicely: Terracotta Milliput - A versatile...
Just posting this in case it helps out someone else out!:)I have a preformed pond with rather narrow shallow hollows round the outer edge for...
I'd go for it. A small one should not be expensive, and I think you may be surprised by how well and how fast it grows in its pot. I planted a...
I loathe getting the hose out, because the water here is metered, but the water butt has been empty for a couple of weeks now. Mostly I get by...
Another idea for getting rid of the rubble, free of charge: offer it on your local freecycle/ gumtree, making it clear the buyer will need to come...
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