Excellent! Thank you very much @wiseowl! Double Delight looks like a beauty as well.Yes, they still have the delphiniums at Regent's Park -...
and if so, are you pleased with it?I came across this rose for the first time yesterday - they have a whole bed of it growing in the rose...
Handsworth New Silver, already mentioned by @Verdun, is female and handsome - white and green variegated foliage and the young stems are dark...
Amy - here is a link to the Golden Irish Yew I mentioned, if you fancied something columnar to block the view from upstairs. Yew will grow quite...
Welcome to the forum! If you can get some photos up it will be easier to give tailored advice, but trellis on your fence and planting climbers...
Another vote here for hand-picking with a torch by night. I have tried beer traps too but found the local foxes or cats or something came and...
Yes, I quite agree about the hoeing. I was reading a book by Bob Flowerdew recently in which he referred to this as creating a 'dust mulch.'I...
What are you going to do with the space once the pond is gone? Flower bed, lawn, patio? Personally I would take the liner right out and dispose...
Well done on making a start!Patio: I use a patio knife (which has a cornered blade) to hoick out weeds from between the stones. If you don't...
That's a nice informative article - thanks for posting it! I have seen fields of sunflowers on holiday in the south of France and yup they will...
Basically, because the tree knocked itself out producing that bumper crop last year. It's a problem known as "biennial bearing" and this article...
I think it's rather handsome as it is, and provided they don't mind mowing the grass it also qualifies as relatively low maintenance I guess....
I've got some verbena bonariensis, dianthus deltoides "Microchip" and alchemilla mollis on the go - all looking quite promising.I fell in love...
If you can find a sunny spot where they can sit directly on the soil and attract worms that will speed up the composting process.I've managed...
Did you look at the underneath of the pots @martin-f? Sometimes there is a maker's mark... otherwise yes the best place to start would be by...
:)Thank you everybody, lots of lovely evocative suggestions so far! All ones I like too, except Jeyes Fluid - I once used that to clean the patio...
So pleased you went and got the pots @martin-f . They are just lovely, and even with one having got broken those three together make a fine set!...
Hopefully it is just backward, rather than dead! What did the shoot look like where you cut it off? Any signs of green inside? If not you could...
I must say scents are one of the things I really love about gardening/ nature - some of you too, hopefully. I'd love to hear about some other...
Rubus tricolor - I put three plants of this in last autumn in my hard-to-get-anything-to-grow spot under the holly tree. It's establishing really...
Separate names with a comma.