Does fine in London's drier soils, though they're not in the same league as Portugal's I dare say.
No bee orchids in there then Hornbeam.
Got some cleavers though!! A chap at the RHS told me that these things are a doddle to grow from seed, and move better when very young. I don't...
I don't know how cold it gets, but you could frighten the passing traffic with some huge aroids, though you'd have to lift them in the autumn....
I don't know. If he cross cut it now he'd probably get seasick..
I used to know a chap had them growing in his lawn (I kid you not). He had a fairly relaxed attitude to lawn upkeep thankfully. It was in...
I have very little experience of transplanting them but I can't imagine if the corms are going into essentially the same ground that they came...
Don't know what it is, but it isn't a Kolkwitzia judging from the flowers. Nice though!
I am 70% certain Cuphea is the one, but that relies on my erm..what was it That's the one.
Pyracantha should reliably flower every year if you don't prune it. If neither of your species are more than a mass of green veg I suppose it...
I am pretty sure its these mystery thingys from the garden centre. I'll do a quick reccy over the next couple of days and give you a name...then...
I just have trouble with the effing blight. It's so pernicious in my gardens. I can't cut the hedges anywhere near irrigation unless its turned...
Will try to dig out a photo of it (though not from one of my gardens). I guess buxus has gone from solid and easy to tricky in just ten short...
Not v. resilient to Box blight. I had to dig out a quarter of a kilometre of the stuff that I had planted and nurtured for three years. Actually...
PS Lovely Rosa Mundi, Hornbeam. I only ever had a couple of them in a gaarden many years ago, never looked that good!
Here's Hannah Gordon, she's a cracker:[img]This is Rosa nozomi:[img]This is a variety whose name currently escapes me:[img]and this...
AAgh! Of course...the curse of the co*rse language again. Its a fair cop - I've been moderated :(
I'd not worry about the patchiness - the roots will make their way to where the water is. Take advantage and get some washed co**** sharp sand in....
I'd say it should be ok, try tugging at a corner!
Separate names with a comma.