Don't wish to sound a discordant note but I've seen small sub-shrubs very like this for a few years in the garden centres. They flower for much of...
Try Evergreen Exterior Services in Purley.Things to look out for:1. SEE THEM FIRST! 2. As aboveThey are often imported without care as they...
You could try one of those Willow fedges, you buy hem by the linear metre I believe. Grow like stink and very dense, though not evergreen.
Actually I was only joking. You didn't do that stuff did you?PS now I am joking
Having seen that monster banana in your garden I might have to try some!!
er I've been censored for foul language. Word required in starred position is 'corse' with an 'a' between the 'o' and the 'r' :rolleyes:
Quickest thing to check soil composition is to look/feel. Take a bit, moisten it a little. Will it stick together? If not there's a lot of sand in...
Just for comparison's sake I've never found them to be fussy about conditions. Without BM's expertise I'd have said use growmore/Vitax/fish blood...
It used to be sold in my local stores as 6X (not the beer). Mixewd with molases or something. The residents could smell it for streets around!
I have no experience of raw seaweed, but am frightened at the idea of all that sodium going into the soil from it. Might this not reduce the range...
You can usually hack away at them, they are tough as old boots and really spring back from the base. Do it soon so they have time to regrow before...
Camellias grow well in pots Wishaw. There's plenty of choice in flower colour and leaf form, they're pretty disease resistant, and you can cut...
They are not normally grown at trees, Carolyn, though they are sometimes sold as standards in the nurseries, and were used in column forms in...
Assuming you have turfed it I would leave it until the grass is about 3" high, but less than 4". In my experience above that height makes the...
Whoops, bit of a basic error here. Having common spotted orchids adjacent 'in the rough' as it were I have for a couple of years assumed these...
Assuming you're after the kind of 'green desert' my clients and I like but not so popular here (see lawn heresy) I'd say that in the first...
Thanks Fran. I shall try this out when I plant up this winter to see what happens. Do you think it would work on roses already weak - possibly...
Ja! And anything else with seeds that might spread without government edict.
I would add that disease resistance in the UK is unlikely to be equivalent to that in Italy, the growing conditions are so different. Roses may...
But Hornbeam it does get distributed by water, and Waco does live on a river bank. I agree it is spectacular, I have also considered growing it,...
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