I agree with PeterS, they are sold resplendent and then just sit for a while. In my experience if they are used as bedding (ie as an annual) their...
If you cut them right down you might get a second flush if they are in a good location. If they are in a good location I'd suggest cutting them...
It's a cracker! I love the discreet feeling of enclosure, you could be miles from anywhere. Must be nice in the evening with a refreshment or two
They are very good clients so they deserve it - God bless them!!
Oh, well i should have been clearer. Fatsia is pretty tough and grows fine in neutral soil. It seems to be when the alkalinity is either at a high...
Only Rosa banksii, but Golden Showers used to get a good write up (don't snigger BM). No piccys sorry.
[ 15. June 2006, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: jazid ]
Difficult to grow if the web sites are to be believed. The Eupatorium is a stonker in the flesh. Please keep us informed.
My client owns a few acres of Mayfair.:DNo but I work around and about thank God. I just live in dirty bomb central.Winchester...
No they're Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket'. Wasn't stenocephala last time I looked but hey, thats memory for you. Glad you like it. I'll put...
Howzabout this:Equisetum giganteum. I would be SO JEALOUS if you could get this going, really.[img]Alternatively there is a similar...
And here's a herbaceous border I did:[img]
This is the rose garden at the same property:[img]
A few more. One of Winchester Cathedral:[img]This is the shrubby Clematis integrifolia (variety) in foreground, Winchester Cathedral behind,...
Here are snaps of the common spotted and the lawn they grow in. Inexplicably the green veined orchids are on strike this year. Bah! Humbug!...
In my experience don't touch Ceanothus if its honey fungus that totalled your Laburnum. It just eats them up. A bit like vine weevils and busy...
Needs must GC. I have the same problem and its been playing havoc with my clients roses - especially a formal garden full of Sharifa Asma. I...
Coming up... [img]
If you can find it try Sincron. Most manufacturers fall over themselves to suggest their fertilizer ISNT acidifying as they are trying to sell...
looks hopeful to me Sue. I'll give it a gander later. Off to mow some lawns!
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