You have to feel sorry for the people who are going to lose there jobs at focus :cry3:, There's another big outfiit gone bang, I never buy...
I like your ship shape garden Bilbo675' You have done a cracking job there mate :thumb:, Hyacinth bucket would be proud :hapfeet:,Good luck TG.
Hi Cathy :thumbsup:, I will tell you what i think is great about GC , All you have to do is ask the question and there will be good advice to...
Good job i don't live in china Shiney' Reason being there is no fish and chip shop :heehee: Never mind fish' Iff the weather picks up here pigs...
The weather here today is a different kettle of fish to what we experienced yesterday :cry3:, The wind has dropped right down and we have plenty...
I hope you get your garden back to normal soon Whis4ey :thumbsup:, There will be loads of gardens been trashed in this awful weather,Take care TG.
The weather here is getting worse which i can't believe at this time of the year, It's blowing a naughty gale and lashing down again :DOH:, Where...
Hi boebrummie :thumbsup:, My spuds are earthed up to a low ridge about the same height as yours and from what i have read that should be ample...
Hi Kyleleonard :dbgrtmb:, I have only been a member on gardeners corner for a short while but have learned quite a bit already, The folk on here...
Hi everyone :thumbsup:, The wind here in the north east is going to be the big feature today, It's already howling and they reckon it could reach...
The eden project looks the place i want to visit this year and at £18 or so to get in' That's not too bad especially iff it will take up most of...
Thanks for that Kristen :thumbsup:, The 5 litres of organic tomato feed i have will come in handy then, I think it's ok to use on peppers aswell...
Don't worry joolz68 one of the cucumber growers on here will know the answer to your problem, Kristen seems to know a bit about cucumbers, I would...
Bad crack that Ziggy, It's bad enough when an adult has a accident but when there is a five year old is involved makes it a whole lot worse, God...
I agree should be very interesting to see what us novice cucumber growers end up with and even a bit more for me as iam growing tomatoes & peppers...
Morning folks :thumbsup:, The cucumber plant is growing like mad now since i took the advice from Kristen and removed the lower flowers from it...
That's exactly what he did Ziggy' Let them go dry in the hot weather we had, I remember him saying that he had opened a side panel and they were...
My mate is growing the same spuds as me in planters but he's planters have the side panels in so you can have a look, No signs of any spuds yet...
Thanks for that cluless1 :thumbsup:, I can't wait to get a look around at the eden project' The next time i go away it's going to be there, Sounds...
I think i have had my jersey royals planted about 7 or 8 weeks now' Mine were also slow to poke there heads out' Nearly three weeks, The last time...
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