Last week i went out and bought 2 little plants, one gooseberry and the other a redcurrant, they are both about 12" high, they cost �£2 each and...
Hi Dave and Strongy, thanks for both your replies, i kind of thought the one was a primrose, and pleased to hear that it isn't actually a bit of...
ooops sorry about the size of the second pic, don't know what happened there. will try and re do it againok, managed to make it smaller [img]...
My lovely hubby bought me a plant for valentines day, its was a bonsai tree from asda, it was quite cheap, but i was wondering if someone could...
Thankyou Lady gardener and Roders, they are budding lovely now, and i wouldn't want to think it might kill them. Thankyou both for the replies...
i fed my blueberries yesterday for the first time this year, it was only when i opened my shed today and found the feed for eracacious plants that...
Thanks Steve for all your advice...its very much appreciated Gill
Hi Steve, thanks for the advice, i will put some of the compost on top, i have used plant food for eracious compost, would that be the same thing...
hi Stevew thanks for comments on water, i will probably give it a go during dry spells. Re the compost...i do have it in ericacious compost,...
Hi Everyone, Last year i bought some blueberry plants, (looking forward to more berries this year:)) what i gather with these plants is that...
Happy new Year everyone,1st place Robbsy1 - The river and trees one 2nd place Steve W - Bearded dragon on Rudolf 3rd place Pete2255 - Hyacinth...
ok, here's my vote...good luck to everyone [img] 1st place...ZEB for the large spiders web. just stunning2nd place...Pete2255 for no3 (the one...
Hi acra24 Weren't gardening express having a bit of a reorganisation a few weeks ago...or something like that, I received my 50 free tulips bulbs...
Well done winners..and everyone else who took part, it was so hard to choose between them all
hi all, another fanatstic selection this month, you all make it so hard to choose!good luck to everyone. my choices are....1st place Nathans...
Well done Nathan on winning the photo comp, well was a fantastic pic! and to all the other entrees all fabulous pictures! gill
Hi Dalbuie, i had a xmas cactus that i cut back this year, (it was do or die, it really needed perking up) so i cut it down put it out for the...
Thanks brazil, if its still alive next spring i'll give it a go then, thanks for your info Gill
Hi Brazil, Thanks, maybe i should give this a try, what have i got to lose...does it take long to grow back, is there a best time of year to do...
Hi Fran, thanks for the reply, i don't think our water is particulary hard, so i'm thinking it may be a kind of mildew then, i will have a check...
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