Thanks so much guys. I can't get over how helpful everyone is on this forum. Woo, after a long search I've found it online. Its not "Mothers...
Blackthorn great link. I can't find them there but thats going to be very useful to me.Now you mention it maybe they were tall ones yes, about...
The pods for the seeds are long and thin but when you open them they reveal the silky stuff.It could be clematis, but I think I would have...
Thanks all for your suggestions, have given me alot to go on. I like the idea of having a bed in the middle of the garden blackthorn, I wouldn't...
Last year at the end of the season I visited Forde Abbey gardens in Dorset. Well some seed pods accidentally fell into my purse.:hehe:I got some...
Well I bought this rose from B&Q think it was called something like "mothers delight?" Thinking it was a climber only to find out it was a hybrid...
Well buying a load of flowers and just sticking them in anywhere isn't working. I need help.This is my garden and its pretty much the way it was...
Is it too late to join? All of my seeds are veg and annuals, would that be o.k?
Slugs and snails I can deal with. I have read the insect populations go in cycles. Could I just have got massively unlucky and this year things...
Aww JWK but I'm at my wits end with it. I grew it all in planters under poly tunnels and the blighters still got me. Even the salad I grew indoors...
Ahhhh so thats what the balls were. The Rudibecker sounds like it will be a winner then. I'm in the South too so hopefuly they will live!...
Thanks treesurfer. Thats exactly what its done, put up a load of uprights. I'm sure the pruning was bad because the emphasis has been on getting...
I'm fine with microscopic things that I can neither see nor... savour the texture of *bleh*My worry is I fork out for the nematodes only to...
So you would be very unlucky to have leaf miners affecting all your plants in the garden at the same time.Yep. Blighters got in everything last...
P. serrulata 'Kanzan' Hmm thanks Aesculus. Can it fruit then in theory and would the fruit be edible (or would it be putrid)The leaves seem to...
Oh my goodness, if I could find that I think all my christmas's would come at once. Are nematodes an organic solution? Are there any downsides to...
What can I companion plant with it to deter the pests. Particularly leaf miners..:dh:Pot marigold? poached egg plant? are they easy?Abi X
Thanks for the welcome guys. I'm already making myself at home by flooding the boards LOL! :tnp:
Thanks Lollipop, yes there seems to be lots of different sorts. I was looking for some to control leaf miners. Maybe a fools errand?Abi X
Why does the cherry in our garden never blossom or fruit. If anyone can tell me the variety of cherry it is this would be good. Sorry there are no...
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