Well done all [img] [img]
They only love me for my bacon!!!! :rolleyes: :D :D
Morning all, I'm back to work today after a lovely Xmas break :( :( No more time off now until the end of April at the earliest :( :( I...
[img] [img] Loving it jjordie!!! [img] [img]
[img] [img] Love the purple moon one WF, the reflections in the lake are really good!!!
They're all rushing to live here though Pete!! Can't move for the Poles on building sites. We have one who's a trained Paramedic in Poland on our...
Love the second one WF!!!! Not being funny, but that pig looks like he's got a chop stick up his bum!!!! :D :D :D No offence intended!!...
That's true!!! I know someone who's lost a lot of weight and now is just,if not more, miserable then she was before as she's got all this excess...
Just recieved a T&M catalogue, as I haven't ordered from them yet for Spring. �£5 off voucher and 2 free packs of seed [img] [img] My total...
Teasmade - that's what I was thinking of!!! Thanks MF!!!! not a machine, sounds like 'tea' constant use, in kitchen............... [img]...
Pal :D :D You'll have to pop over and pay me a visit!!! We could be bonkers together!!!!!!Thought it was one of those tea makers that you...
Only the White ones and the 'hair' are showing so far - but I'll be taking an avid interest in the others now!!!!! :D
Well, my New Years Resolution is to give up hang-gliding....... :D :D :D :D
Is that Baby Bio Pal???? :D :D
Oh Pal!!!!! I love your 'easy' objects - the best brain workout going [img] [img] But even with your clues - I still have no idea :rolleyes:...
Thanks for that Geoff!!! I'm new to this (does it show?? :D ) and only planted the Alliums on the 18th Nov - but it's been 10 degrees + here...
We were never allowed out of the hospital in our uniforms. You had to have them laundered there. I did once forget to take my hat off and cycled 3...
Does anyone know if the Alliums usually have 2/3" of growth this early in the year?? And if not, how will they fare if we have some colder...
Easy!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: The pipes under a sink??????? Pointing Percy at the Porcelain??????I have no idea!!!! :rolleyes:
Oh but it was soooooo worth it!! It's a stunner [img]
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