My January sown onions which were started in the green house, then moved to a cold frame three weeks ago, should acording to the packet be ready...
The times I've heard people on my plot saying," Oh! I just chuck it in, if it grows it grows," Needless to say most dose'nt, so why bother? I...
ermmm...were you a close relative to Queen Victoria?
One bath a year and sqeeky clean, we must be over doing it here in Kent!!
Perhaps a drop or two of Jayes in the bath for you then Dag!!
Jayes fluid for men? now that's taking it a bit too far, a bath now and then should do the trick!!
Now, do tell where we can get these bottles from??
I bought Jayes in spray bottles at Aldi last week, great for spraying greenhouse staging etc. easy to use!
But leaves take a long time to rot down! I collected bags of leaves from the street 2 years ago, put them in a wire cube, still not fully rotted.
No probs! thought it might be something like that. :cool:
Thanks Fran, I understand now, nice to have things explained in plain english! [img]
I suggest you read my post again! I fear you missed out a line!!.
You'd be forgiven for thinking that I was obsessed with compost, or that this is a daft question, but can someone please tell me the difference...
Very easy, you simply lift the bin off, mix it all up and put it back in,
Yes, Nixonf23 I'll keep them peeled, Poor Rats indeed!! :rolleyes:
Today, I took delivery of two compost bins from the local council, nice big ones, the type that stack, with a door for easy access to the finishes...
Is it only main crop pots that flower? I planted second early's last year, no flowers but a reasonable crop of pots. :confused:
Yes I agree, I have always told my family never to drink from cans.
Yes, Dag, the copper wire seems to work well on my four raised beds. Protecting the rest of the plot is a bit more tricky though, I have a couple...
I use the copper wire from old electric cable stapled along the top of raised beds to stop slugs. The job of removing the wire from the rubber is...
Separate names with a comma.