But I forgot to mention that my roses are picked from the stems when mere buds (for mummy you know) my apples tend not to stay on the tree til...
Do you know or can you find out what types of poppies the seed originated from ? Most poppies will thrive in any reasonable soil and can take full...
Another tip - I would plant or plan where you wanna put your shrubs before you plant your bulbs - can save you having to replant and reposition...
No, but I find that if you hit them with the container they tend to die. This is my four year olds favourite method of slug control, though her...
Jjordie If you can wait a bit longer, my neighbour, a bona fide, happy-clappy, god fearin' Texan, is going to pass me her recipe for pumpkin pie -...
Just a thought, when you say "attacks of a rabbit" - are you talking by any chance about a pet rabbit ?
Not sure about how rabbit proof it is, but it covers the ground quickly - ajuga reptans (common name is bugle). Leaves are usually described as...
Rain at seven (a.m), dry by eleven (a.m) - my boss swears by this and is more often than not, right
Try having a look at www.gardenbird.com. They sell half coconuts, but handily tell you that each contains 300g of high energy suet mixed with...
Went to a charity fly fishing competition - got soaked, caught not a thing - took photos for local magazine owned by the wife to be as she is in...
Lucky you ! Worm casts make superb compost material and you will pay a small fortune at a garden centre for a bag of that "sticky wet mud". Try...
Hostas are a good bet - the "blue" varieties are best in the shade
Hi to everyone from up here in the Highlands. New to the site, and only gardening for 4 years since leaving the big smoke. Am hoping to start...
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