Amazing photos! I will definitely be purchasing some echinops next spring in that case - what do they go well with? Has anybody else had great...
Hi,I have lots of bee-friendly plants in containers and am about to have some landscaping done which will give me some borders for planting too....
Hi, Next spring I am having my rockery dug up and want to use the space for planting bee-friendly plants. I have lots of bee-friendly plants...
Hi, I am growing the above plant in containers and the foliage is doing very well; large, healthy leaves. However, there is no sign of any...
Thanks! We hardly ever get any butterflies around here (I'm not sure why?!) but plenty of bees at the moment which is fabulous!
Hi, I have attached a photograph of a flowering shrub/bush that is growing on the embankment behind by neighbour's house - it is in flower at...
I have a honeysuckle in a deep - but relatively narrow container. It didn't flower in its first year, but this year it is growing rapidly and I am...
Does anybody know of any good trailing plants for baskets that are bee-friendly?
I have attached images to show you what isn't growing! There is a bit of life in one of the achillea pots?
Oh dear it sounds as though they are well and truly dead. I'm worried my heleni pots are too small but the others should be fine sizes? I also...
Hi, I have all three of the above mentioned plants in pots and as of yet, there is very little sign of life above the soil! Is this normal given...
Hi Jenny, you can see the pots here. There are three to five alliums in each pot, which flower in June. The Rudbeckia I have flowers June-October.
Thanks Jenny! I'm planting them out in pots with allium bulbs. As they are more contained than traditional rudbeckia, that won't be a problem in...
Hi, I am growing six Rudbeckia plants, which are a newish, smaller growing variety (up to 60cm in height max). I have attached a photo of their...
Hi, I have attached an image of one section of my garden. As you can see, I have two pots. One with five allium bulbs in and the other with three....
I'm here again! I have five pots with tulips in and want to make use of the containers when the tulips have been and gone (i.e., June onwards)...
Yes I planted them out yesterday - they have been sitting in 2 litre pots on my window sill for three weeks! They are in much larger containers...
Hi, I have planted out two foxgloves and the leaves are very floppy. I have never had foxglove this early in the season. Anything to worry about?
Hi everyone, I have recently purchased the following: Rudbeckia fulgida in 9cm pots Echinacea purpurea Achillea credo Foxglove The weather in...
Thanks for all the responses! The allium bulbs I have planted are 'purple sensation' (Allium hollandicum) and grow up to 1m in height. I followed...
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