I start mine off the 3rd or 4th week in February under growlights and they still go a little leggy, this season I'm starting 2nd week March.
I hope the pain is getting better Upsydaisy. Take care:hapflower:
My eldest daughter was called Michelle, my youngest Maria couldn't say Michelle, so she called her Miggy. To this day I still call her Mig or Miggy
Mine was Buddy, as I wore glasses like Buddy Holly...........but I'm not old enough to remember him:whistle:
I will continue to wear a Mask and Sanitise my hands, until I feel there is no need, my opinion of course.
I went to put a few bits in the Recycle Bin and someone had put a Dog Poo bag in there:nonofinger: I had to pick out with a stick. Ok better than...
For the past few years I used equal parts of JI No1, own sifted Compost, Coir & a little Perlite, never any problems.
Oh my head hurts just thinking about the answer:old:
I'll drink a bottle of White Wine next time, if I can get another appointment Lori.
I had the White Coat Syndrome when I went for my Cataract op, BP and Heart-rate were both very high, they refused to do the op because the risk of...
Well stay indoors and bake some yummy Cakes & Bread:hapfeet:
You keep posh company shiney, I doff my Hat to you:yes:
Cutting the grass, bitter cold wind:mute:
I've given one side of the shed a second coat in the sunshine.
Possibly too dangerous in the wrong hands:rolleyespink: but I was always very careful when using it. I would expect everything we use these days...
I cleaned the slippery path with Jeyes Fluid, I was very surprised to see that the contents were a clear liquid, not the usual Black stuff.Also...
Cleaning and refilling the Bird feeders, filled the Black Bin (rubbish) out, got the Chicken Casserole sorted and walked to the Surgery to pop my...
Separate names with a comma.