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Thanks Catztail! I'm made of sternner stuff(hopefully) LOL Look forward to more! NOT.
Oh Dear! Accept my apologies!:WINK1: Nevertheless,I am beginning to feel accepted!!:thumbsup:
Well I cant believe it Louise! I now feel at home on this site.:thumbsup:
Hello Eddie.I'm a new member so just getting to know my way around site.Also starting a WFMeadow area.It will be tiny!Have scarrified grass where...
Hi Trunky! Offa's Dyke runs past my garden! It is good walking country.You must have passed me!
Thanks mark for your welcome! From the Bulwark looking across the Wye you could see us.Love the area especially the Wye valley.
Wished to say hello to everyone.New member from Wales.Very enthusiastic gardener.Have been doing it for many years.:sunny:
DSC02032 (640x480) View of front garden from drive.
DSC01980 (640x480) Front Garden.
DSC01997 (640x480)Newly inherited garden pots, etc.
Separate names with a comma.